Things You Should Know Before Buying a Padparadscha Sapphire

3 min readSep 27, 2022

The sapphire is a rare gemstone that has always been associated with royalty. People know about this gemstone because of the fact that only royal people can afford it and its blue color. However, did you know that Padparadscha sapphires are rarer than blue sapphires? Even though blue sapphires are more well-known, Padparadscha sapphires available at the right price are truly a thing of beauty. If you’re looking for a rare and beautiful gemstone, look no further than the Padparadscha sapphire. This pink gemstone is unique, and people today wear it with pride. The gemstone has been grabbing the attention of people belonging to all age groups, and if you’re also planning to buy one for yourself, you must know the following things:

Why is Padparadscha called Padparadscha?

It seems quite hard to pronounce, but the Padparadscha sapphire got its name from the Sanskrit word “Padma ranga”. “The Padma” means lotus, and “ranga” means color. Therefore, the Padparadscha sapphire is light pink and resembles the lotus flower. However, the origin of Padparadscha has nothing to do with its name. Padparadscha sapphire was discovered centuries ago in Ceylon, which is known today as Sri Lanka. Later, gemologists found the gemstone in Madagascar and Tanzania.

You May See a Color Mixture

The intense color of Padparadscha sapphire is similar to a mix of sunset and lotus. If you want to be sure about the color permanence of the stone, it is necessary to put it through a color stability test. This is the only way to determine whether the colors will remain vibrant over time.

Some are Heat Treated

If you’re looking for a padparadscha sapphire price, be aware that some of them may have been heat-treated to enhance their color. This happened in the 1990s when there was a sudden influx of these gemstones on the market. But when consumers found out that some weren’t genuine, they were outraged. So if you’re considering buying a Padparadscha sapphire, you must get the information about the treatment history of the gemstone.

The Price

When searching for the best gemstone sellers available online or offline, you must know the price at which they are available. The price may be high due to the rarity and scarcity of the gemstone. For example, the price of a standard Padparadscha Sapphire is almost the same as that of blue sapphire, but if the gem is unheated, you may see a hike in the price.

To Sum it Up

As padparadscha sapphire meaning, they are very rare and precious; so you must buy them from well-reputed sellers only. You may come across several sellers in the market, but only some are genuine. Hence, find the ones that you can trust and buy a real gemstone. The Rare Gem LLC is one of the genuine sellers of rare gemstones that not only sell but also provide knowledge about precious gemstones. With over four decades in the business, they consistently report on every gemstone you buy. Therefore, consider them if you need to buy Alexandrites or Padparadscha Sapphires.




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